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Replace the worn gloves on your blast cabinet quickly, from outside the machine.

Changing dusty, worn gloves on your blast cabinet is a dirty job - and can make you feel like a contortionist.


Empire has changed all that with their latest generation blast cabinet.  And their "glove ring upgrade" is one modification that is easy to retrofit on most other machines.


Empire even built in a handy, ergonomic arm rest.  Blasting for hours on end can be fatiguing, and that is the last thing you want your blasting operator to be, when she is finishing expensive parts. 


Comfortable 8-inch dia gloves are a smart investment - and Dawson-Macdonald has a variety in stock to fit individual operators and needs.  Gloves are sold in pairs, or left-hands. 

For details, availability, and pricing:

Click on over to the Contact page at!



Blast cabinet, Gloves, Arm rest, Ergo, quick change, Empire, ProFinish
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